
Else, if Else offers a selection of concert programs tailored to audiences familiar and new to contemporary music, available for performance in both indoor and outdoor spaces.


Structures is a performance in which we transform small ideas into full pieces through spontaneous improvisation. As a trio, we draw on our vocabulary in jazz, classical, contemporary music, making each performance a new experience. From near-silence to complete acoustic envelopment, Structures is a journey that continually surprises and engages, making every performance an entirely distinct exploration of ensemble thinking.

Structures was premiered at Lawrence University and has since been presented around the midwestern United States and Belgium.


Ecotone is a concert program featuring pieces by composers JP Merz, Amanda Feery, Katherine Balch, and Molly Herron. Each piece showcases an auditory ecosystem, crafted through thoughtful choice of timbres and gestures. "Else, if Else’s performance highlights each living (biotic) and non-living (abiotic) element of these works, leading the audience on an exploration of these unique sonic worlds and the fascinating transitions, or 'ecotones', between them.

Ecotone was premiered KADE Akademie in December of 2022.

Let Them Not Say

Let Them Not Say is a variable-length (30-60 minute) program that explores humankind’s multifaceted relationship with the environment by blending improvisations with two works written for Else, if Else by Nomi Epstein and John Supko. This immersive, electroacoustic concert makes space for contemplation while showcasing the ensemble through non-traditional forms of virtuosity.

Let Them Not Say was premiered at the Banff Centre for Arts and Creativity in July of 2022.